Every year, the ISTOÉ Dinheiro Magazine publishes a special edition with the ranking of the economy and business of the country´s 500 largest companies that stood out in the financial and social areas during the previous year.
In the 2009 edition, IRANI was placed amongst the 30 largest Companies in the Pulp & Paper sector, second in Social Responsibility and fourth in Innovation and Quality.
The Melhores da Dinheiro magazine highlights the 500 companies that have received the best evaluation in the 30 sectors of the economy according to the DINHEIRO magazine. This issue is full of ratings and rankings from each sector, with major firms amongst those than have revenues of more than R$ 100 million. The ranking of the largest companies, based of net income, is also listed in the special edition, which also includes balance sheets from the sector and a survey of the best of each one of them.
All companies were evaluated by criteria related to, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Innovation and Quality Management and Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.