Having integrity means acting righteously, ethically and impartially.

Integrity is one of our values. Our way of thinking, acting and relating to others is ethical and transparent.

In this line, we have launched our Integrity Program. It reunites our practices and guidelines respect to ethical behaviors and relations to all levels of hierarchy on company.

The Irani Integrity Program was created to prevent, identify and remedy injurious actions by Managers, Employees and Suppliers against the public and private sectors.

In line with our values, it reinforces the need to comply with the standards presented in our Code of Ethical Conduct, including aspects of conflicts of interest, applicable laws and regulations.

Access the Integrity Program (pt only).

Code of Ethical Conduct

The Code of Ethical Conduct unifies the main ethical and appropriate behavior guidelines expected from Management and Employees, which we believe to be essential to cultivate valued relationships.

Access the Code of Ethical Conduct.


Ethical Channel

The Ethical Channel is available for our relationship audiences to send information and requests for clarification of doubts and concerns regarding ethical issues related to the Company.


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