Ecology Expression

In February 2011, Celulose Irani won the Ecology Expression award with the case of the Recovery of the Permanent Preservation Area, Riacho da Anta, in the category of Recovery of Degraded Areas.

The Project for the Recovery of the Permanent Preservation Area (APP) of the Ribeirao da Anta, located near the Company´s industrial park in Bonita Vargem-SC is carried out by Irani to reverse the fragmentation of the remnant native vegetation. The project is reconstructing the vegetation of the creek to form ecological corridors. From the total 9.75 hectares of the APP, 7.28 hectares are being recovered. In this area, 4 hectares have a natural growth of vegetation in several successive stages and 3.28 hectares were recovered through the planting of native species.

Created following the 1992 Rio Conference of the United Nations (UN) of the Environment, the Ecology Expression Award, certified by the Ministry of Environment, is considered as the biggest environmental award of the Southern part of the country.

The panel of judges is composed of biologists, foresters, consultants and doctors in the environmental area, professional bodies and NGO´s from the three states in the South

The winning cases, besides being highlighted in the Expressão de Sustentabilidade Yearbook, which will be circulated in June, will also receive the Onda Verde trophy at the Sustainable Management Forum, to be held in July.

The 2010 edition saw the participation of 153 cases, which are detailed in the site: