Paper SC Campina da Alegria


  • Data centralization
  • Accessibility of real-time and historical production data
  • Management of industrial information: accuracy of measurements and on-line and on-time availability


The expansion of the Gaia VI project in progress has the following expectations:

Estimated investment

R$ 18,400 K

Planned execution time

30 months

Investment made (until 12/31/24)

R$ 14,138 K

Image Gallery

Delivery milestones



Follow up the project stage macro progress and the expected delivery dates.

Go Live (Plan)Delivery MilestonesAcquisitions, negotiations and planningSC Paper ImplementationSC Packaging ImplementationMG Paper ImplementationSP Packaging ImplementationRS Resins ImplementationFinal adjustments202220242023Deadline (Plan)QuarterQuarterQuarter1st2nd3rd4th1st2nd3rd4th1st2nd


 A expansão gerada pelo projeto Gaia II tem muitas fases e você pode acompanhá-las através dos relatórios, basta fazer download para verificar os detalhes de cada fase do projeto.

– RELATÓRIO DE STATUS – GAIA II Acompanhe as etapas executadas até o momento, as etapas em andamento, os pontos de atenção e oportunidades.