Paper SC Campina da Alegria


  • 34 new dryer cylinders
  • Automation platform update
  • Rewinder safety


  • Paper machine technology upgrade
  • 7% increase in paper production for corrugated cardboard packaging
  • Ensuring operational security


The current expansion of the Gaia XI project has the following expectations:

Estimated investment

R$ 89,668 K

Expected deadline for completion

33 months

Investment made (until 12/31/24)

R$ 7,154 K

Investment made (until 03/30/24)

R$ 6.308 K

Delivery milestones



Follow-up the progress of project stages and expected deadlines in a macro level.

Delivery MilestonesDetailed EngineeringMP#5 Shutdown and StartupNegotiation of Packages and Pre-Shutdown PreparationsPerformance202420262025QuarterQuarterQuarter1st2nd3rd4th1st2nd3rd4th1st2nd3rd4thStartup (Plan)Deadline (Plan)


 A expansão gerada pelo projeto Gaia II tem muitas fases e você pode acompanhá-las através dos relatórios, basta fazer download para verificar os detalhes de cada fase do projeto.

– RELATÓRIO DE STATUS – GAIA II Acompanhe as etapas executadas até o momento, as etapas em andamento, os pontos de atenção e oportunidades.